ExPat Phone Home

As the hubs and I were planning our move abroad, all our goals concerned our immediate family (which includes me, the hubs, and our four legged baby, Tuaca). Saying our goodbyes to extended family as the big day approached, we scheduled family trips back home and vice versa. We are constantly in touch with our … Read more

Growing Fruit And Vegetables In My Urban Garden

Since retiring, one of the time-luxuries I now enjoy is indulging in my passion to grow my own fruit and vegetables. I’ll never be self-sufficient due to the limited space in my urban garden, but the rewards and sheer enjoyment of watching something grow then eating it far outweighs time and lack of return on … Read more

School’s in Session

When you first learn you’re moving overseas, so many thoughts run through your mind. Where will we live? What are the weather and geography like? Will I need to learn a new language? How different will the culture be? Yet for the parents among us, schooling options for our children ranks right at the top … Read more

Newcomers to Cayman

New middle-class expats in Cayman often arrive with stars in their eyes, expecting a perfect tropical paradise. The facilities are excellent, the wages are high (which means that savings are high by home standards), and the sun, sea and sand are indeed as per the brochures. The social life is whatever you want it to … Read more

Two Old Fools And Cockroaches

It all began last month when I got up in the middle of the night and came to the kitchen for a glass of water. I switched on the light and, to my horror, saw black shapes scuttling into the shadows. Cockroaches! I ran back to the bedroom and woke Joe. “Joe! We’ve got cockroaches … Read more

British Tea Drinking Explained

As a long-term expat in the UK, I have learned that the mysteries of tea are much deeper than ‘how do you have yours’ and ‘what’s an Afternoon Tea and when is it supposed to happen.’ From my experience, I would say there are two types of tea ceremony in Britain, the Afternoon Tea and … Read more

The Class System – Alive And Kicking In England

Like something out of Louis XIV’s French court in the 1600’s, where only persons of the highest rank could even sit on a stool in the king’s presence, Queen Elizabeth II recently updated the curtseying protocols for the Royal family. Officially called the “Order of Precedence of the Royal Family to be Observed at Court”, … Read more

Sounds Of Canada – An Auditory Adventure

Whenever people travel somewhere new, they talk of “the sights and sounds”, and out come the photos to give us an idea of what they’ve experienced. But without the auditory soundtrack the pictures are static and flat. We can’t feel the atmosphere.It takes sound to flesh out the visual experience and imbue it with life. … Read more