November In The Morvan

Pumpkins and Chrysanthemums I am typing this on 28 October. The clocks went back last night and everyone is preparing for a long weekend of socialising. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Hallowe’en has not caught on here despite the best efforts of the local supermarkets. Pumpkins are on sale, but nobody … Read more

A Bad Case Of Wind

No, I’m not talking about the unsociable aftermath of last night’s aloo gobi; I refer to an atmospheric disturbance, believe it or not, of an altogether more vicious persuasion: Typhoon Mangkhut, very powerful, you may have heard about it. Although we’re used to handling cyclones here, when experts start talking about the most severe storm … Read more

Autumn In The Morvan

Quarré les Tombes is a pretty village with an enticing weekly market. Its claim to fame is not its unremarkable church but the large number of empty stone sarcophagi (tombes) in the graveyard surrounding the church.A Nice Day Out 46 coffins and 66 lids surround the church. There were originally 1000 or more, placed there … Read more

Heat, Heat And More Heat

Benvenuti and Welcome to all my Lovely Followers, If you are new to this column I should tell you that each month I reflect back on the previous one, which in this case is August 2018. My aim is to bring you lots of fun things, and not too many serious ones.I can honestly say … Read more

I Saw You Coming

The most expensive place to live screams yet another annual report on expat living. Really? I’m not sure. In fact I sometimes wonder if these authors are referring to the same city in which we live. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Hong Kong’s cheap; it is of course a major world city with … Read more

Hamfest, Heritage Days, And The Bounty Of Nature

Hamfest Charity Cottage is undersubscribed, alas. Since we opened our doors in 2012 Combat Stress, who receive 100% of our visitors’ donations, have sent us just one family (who enjoyed themselves so much that they came again two years later). Our friends and relations come from time to time. John places ads in his radio … Read more

Art, Music And Culture In Tuscany

Benvenuti and Welcome to all my Lovely Followers, If you are new to this column I should tell you that each month I reflect back on the previous one, which in this case is July 2018. My aim is to bring you lots of fun things, and not too many serious ones.During the first week … Read more

Sweltering In The Morvan

‘Quelle canicule!’ translates as ‘What a scorcher!’ and the Morvan has been sweltering since early June. We get up early and do our chores, including giving the geraniums on the patio their morning drink of the previous night’s bathwater, conserved in several large watering cans. The grass is parched; only the weeds seem to flourish. … Read more

Choosing Schools In France

There are plenty of well-written articles explaining the French school system – but I struggled with understanding school years, and finding information on choosing schools. Similar to in the UK, if you opt into the state school system in France, the default is for your child to go into the school closest to your home. … Read more