Two Old Fools And Burglars

On the other side of our valley in the Alpujarra mountains, there is a holiday house owned by a young British family. About two years ago they emigrated to Australia, leaving it to friends and relatives to enjoy. To the villagers it is known as ‘the English house’, and most of the time it stands … Read more

Country Line Dancing In Mexico

Club music pumped and bodies bumped on the top floor of the packed cantina. Girls wore miniskirts, tight tank tops, and lots of hairspray. Colored lights spun and lasers twirled. But suddenly the music stopped. The house lights came on, and a slow, twangy beat started up. The dance floor parted like the Red Sea. … Read more

Career Choice And The Accompanying Partner

My decision to stop working shortly before I relocated from Hong Kong to Zurich to accompany my husband on a new international assignment was driven by a number of considerations. My eligibility for a work visa or not didn’t even come into the equation. I had no contacts in Switzerland who could help me find … Read more

Marriage In The Dominican Republic

Not very many Dominicans actually marry, most just live together. Those who do marry tend to be from the middle and upper classes, probably because of the cost involved. To be honest is makes little difference as those who live together say they are married and call each other husband and wife. I remember standing … Read more

What To Bring To New Zealand

Every now and again I get emails or Facebook messages or blog comments with this type of question: “If you were moving to New Zealand all over again, what would you say that you have to bring with you from the States?” When we first moved here, I had a boatload of suggestions, things that … Read more

The Realities Of Today’s Dynamic Global Employment Climate

Today’s world of work is a much different place than just a few years ago. Many previously proven international job search and career management tools and strategies are no longer relevant in this new digitally oriented and dynamic global employment climate. Those that recognize that international job search tools and strategies must be tailored to … Read more

Some Like It Hot – But Not On Market Day In Portugal

Market day in Portugal is always an interesting and colourful experience. Regardless of whether a gypsy or flea market I’m always keen to find a bargain as I meander from stall to stall inspecting the merchandise. This week we ventured to a gypsy market as I needed to buy more lettuce and cucumber plugs (baby … Read more

Savouring Summer’s Schedule

From as far back as I can remember, summer has always held a special allure. There was something about being freed from the confining strictures of the school year schedule just as the North American summer season was gearing up that combined to put me in a full swoon. No more awakening early, bleary-eyed and … Read more