Has Your Expat Life Inspired You To Write A Book?

With the rise of reputable self-publishing systems we have also seen a rise in expat publications: novels, autobiographies, and how-to books are filling the virtual shelves. Our expat lives are often so full of adventure and unique experiences that I can see exactly why someone might feel the desire to record their life for others … Read more

Dongles and Deductibles

A recent column I wrote at the BBC America web site, touched on “going native” and switching over to the habits or pronunciations of your host country. A commenter noted that a couple of the words I’d been talking about (“hummus and Pitta bread”) hadn’t even existed in the English language when she left England, … Read more

Two Old Fools And Spanish Water

In our part of Andalucia, we’re lucky. We’ve never suffered from a water shortage as natural springs abound. Just outside El Hoyo is a place where locals fill their water containers, and in the next village is a spring, still surrounded by cement basins and washboards where villagers once washed their laundry and exchanged news … Read more

Don’t Blame The Country!

Years ago, wallowing in the despair of an unexpected divorce, I remember complaining to a friend. My son (five years old at the time) was not behaving well. So, naturally, I blamed the divorce. My friend tolerated my ranting for a while. Eventually she said quietly, “You know, it’s pretty common for five-year-old kids to … Read more

It’s All Work And No Play For Children In Hong Kong

“How did the interview go?” It’s a question that peppers conversations daily across the island and beyond, here in The Kong. You probably think I’m talking about a job interview – for a grown-up right? Wrong! I’m talking about interviewing a two year old. Yes – a very small person who can barely communicate (verbally … Read more

When Gross Salary Equalled Net Salary In The Caymans

For the first 25 years or so after we left Canada in 1967, Linda & I received our respective salaries free of all deductions. It was a very comfortable feeling, to be so self-reliant. In the three Offshore tax havens we lived in during those years, there was no Income Tax, no contributions towards our … Read more

Destined To Be An Expat In Britain?

Expat life took me by surprise but it’s only because I wasn’t paying attention. It was probably an obvious destination all along. Some people are expats because they fell in love with a person from another country and followed them there. That’s part of my story, but not all of it. When I was very … Read more

One-Year Anniversary in Panama

It’s been a year now. One brief, fast-moving year since I landed at Tocumen International Airport in Panama City with my mountain of luggage, the first step in my expat life. As with any anniversary there’s a certain amount of looking back, reassessment and measuring. So how has the time here in Panama measured up … Read more