Two Old Fools And Homesickness

Joe and I have never once suffered from homesickness since we moved to our tiny Spanish mountain village back in 2004. We adore everything about our life in El Hoyo; the people, the weather, the food and the slow pace of life centred around families. Summer in our village is so hot that people rarely … Read more

Technology – As An Expat I Can’t Live Without It

Several years before we moved to Panama I traded in my desktop computer for a large laptop. With a 17-inch screen, it was quite adequate as a desktop replacement and I worked happily with it for about four years. Occasionally when I traveled I would complain about its weight – 10 pounds all by itself. … Read more

How Big Is Big? It’s All A Matter Of Perspective!

Adapting to a new culture takes time and effort, sometimes a little studying, a few language lessons, immersing yourself in the local flavour (that’s easy… I love Thai food) and, above all, accepting and celebrating our differences. I was content to do that until the other day when an unexpected exchange left me hurt and … Read more

Submerged Dangers In The French Riviera

The beauty of the Mediterranean Sea, with its various shades of turquoise and cobalt blue is a stunning, regional icon of the French Riviera. A multitude of boats and yachts of all sizes can be seen docked in the various ports and/or drifting at sea, dotting the ocean’s landscape. Unfortunately, these two luxurious entities don’t … Read more

Fuzzy Slippers And Home

A funny thing happened on my way to Orlando last week. My flight landed at Orlando International Airport. I made my way through customs and immigration, retrieved my bags, then headed for the main terminal. If you know the Orlando International Airport, you know that monorail shuttles carry passengers between the main terminal buildings and … Read more

Is Home Where The Heart Is?

The old saying “Home is where the heart is” can be a tricky one for expats. When you’ve lived almost as long in your host country as you did in your home country, you begin to wonder just where “home” really is. What used to be familiar on your visits home, now makes you feel … Read more

One Night In Manila – Asia’s Forgotten City

When you’re born in the land of the Long White Cloud – the place dubbed ‘middle-earth’ – and then raised in that other place they call ‘The Land Down Under’ – getting to another country usually involves (at the very least) a good few hours up in the air. Let’s face it, flying within Australia … Read more

Food For Thought

Food has a strange hold over us. All over the world, it’s a common bond, but our relationship with food is complex and subjective; it’s so much more than just fuel for our bodies. It’s used to express control, comfort, love, satisfaction, principles, culture; it spills over into so many areas it’s literally, as well … Read more

Anticipating The Return To Thailand

‘Tis that time of year again where many of us expats feel emotionally conflicted… torn between wanting to continue spending time with family and friends in our home country versus chomping at the bit to get back to what we loosely call ‘routine’ in the life of a global nomad. As I wrap up my … Read more