Fifty Shades Of Green In The Cayman Islands

The poinciana trees are starting to flower now, and Cayman is transformed. I’ve never considered this a pretty island, except at this time of year. The purple and pink bougainvillea shrubs, the “Pride of Barbados” plant, and fifty shades of Green, all make for a pleasant and soothing sight, but it’s all much of a … Read more

Reshaping A Canadian’s Life In Costa Rica

My path crossed with Corey’s when he contacted me about an author interview for my recent release, Becoming an Expat: Costa Rica. The more I found out about Corey Coates the more I wanted to hear his story, and so it goes… “I like the interaction between the brain and the machine, I’m an audio … Read more


The decision to repatriate was not a simple one, but after months of monitoring and evaluating and considering, it became the default choice. All arrows pointed toward it, bright lights illuminated it, sirens blared around it. You couldn’t miss it for the world. Despite all the wondering, the second guessing, and the nagging ‘what ifs’, … Read more

Bugged Out

In the UK blossom flutters to the ground as Spring segues into Summer; ice-creams are raised to indulgent lips, trips to the seaside planned, and bared white legs and flowerbeds dazzle, the latter in glorious Technicolor. Those first snowdrops are a distant memory. By contrast, here in southern Ontario it’s been just four weeks since … Read more

How To Manage Your Summer Guests

For many expats, it’s the summer – a time for house guests, who often stay for longer than a week. It’s important not to underestimate the effort it takes to host people, be they family or friends, and no matter how much you enjoy their company. Here’s a few pointers I’ve cobbled together from my … Read more

To Everything… There is a Season

The birds are happily singing away this morning and, even though the sun is poking its face out in between the clouds I know at some point today without looking at the forecast, it’s going to rain… and rain hard. Why? Do I have some type of crystal ball? No, of course not. I know … Read more

Empty Your Attics!

There are many reasons for visiting the Morvan. There is fishing. There are water sports. Caves for sightseers and serious cavers. Glorious scenery. History and archaeology. Food and wine. Concerts, organised rambles, guided tours of ancient monuments. Refreshingly few tourists and no shopping malls but a great many markets. Every community has a weekly market … Read more

NICE: A Boom-ing City!

The city of Nice remains a destination favorite for international tourism, booming to around 4.3 million visitors per year, making it the number one tourist destination after Paris. Visitors account for 80% of the city’s tourist market. Nice’s airport is the second airport in France, after Paris, with almost 11 million passengers, 57 airlines and … Read more