Do Expats Ever Stop Comparing?

Is it normal for expats to continuously compare everything to their home country? If so, does it ever stop? I’ve been an expat in Seville, Spain for nine years and still find myself wondering whether certain things would happen differently back in England. It’s funny, but even though I’ve lived in Ecuador, Brazil, Australia and … Read more

“That’s Just Who I Am” – Assimilate Or Be Yourself?

Taking my inspiration from Bravo TV’s The Ladies of London this month. It’s a reality show starring two British women and five Americans, living the high life in London. A bit like the Real Housewives but without the face-slapping and table turnovers,- so far. LOL has sucked me in because of the US versus UK … Read more

Tales from a Spanish Village: Two Old Fools and Cats

Until the Spanish begin to neuter their cats, there will always be a huge feral population. When we moved to El Hoyo in 2004, we were surprised at how many cats roamed the village, but I guess we’re used to it now. Although not domesticated, they all seem healthy and manage to exist on a … Read more

The New “Normal” Is Really Kinda Strange

I’m an American living in South Africa, writing this month’s column to you from France, before flying to Africa again with a layover in Addis Ababa. I love travel, but never expected to live in a foreign country, or make stopovers in places like Paris or London, Berlin or Amsterdam, simply because there are as … Read more

Clean Water Is Important

As a US citizen and resident for nearly six decades, access to potable, safe water is something I’ve always taken for granted. Of course I know that’s not true everywhere. I’ve seen the heartwrenching statistics, and the pleas from charities that bring clean water to far-flung peoples who need it. I just never thought I’d … Read more

The Kids In America

Sometimes I wonder how the expat life is being interpreted by, not only my son, but the British kids of families here in Maryland where we live. The journey for many of them is fleeting – those who are under six will have vague memories of it when they grow up, yet will be made … Read more

That’s Queer! The Evolution Of Language And Belief

Toronto is currently hosting WorldPride 2014, the now internationally recognized celebration of the human right to sexual diversity. The ten-day festival boasts concerts, art shows, parades and parties – LOTS of parties. It’s the first time North America has won the rights to host the event and the theme this year is “Rise Up,” symbolizing … Read more