Majestic Rio Celeste, Costa Rica’s Fairytale Land

Hiking through Costa Rica’s Tenorio Volcano National Park is like a scene from a Disney flick, seemingly unreal with each step. Complete with a magically glowing river and waterfall to reward your exertion. Just arriving to the park can be an adventure if you attempt it without a guide. There is access from both the … Read more

The Expat Club: The Membership That’s For Life

I now know my departure from Hong Kong is (sob) imminent. After calling this foreign frenzy of bright lights, burgeoning buildings and bustling bodies my ‘home away from home’ for four years, we are heading north… to China. Yes! (gulp) real Mainland China (but that’s a story for another day, you can read about it … Read more

How Has Living Abroad Corrupted Your Mind?

A bold question. I’m not trying to imply that by becoming an expat you’ve turned into a bank robber, a fraudster, or even a money launderer. Maybe you have; plenty of people live abroad and move over to the dark side. I’m asking more about the everyday habits that you wouldn’t have dreamt of doing … Read more

Home Is Where My Hairdresser Is

Yesterday I went to a newly discovered hairdresser and came home elated beyond what should be normal for a simple haircut and highlights. It wasn’t just the fact that this was the first time in my three years on the Cote d’Azure that I didn’t walk out of the salon repeating ‘it will grow, it … Read more

The Garbage Police In The Morvan

Here in the Morvan our local council is in love with recycling. It also shows signs of overzealousness where enforcement is concerned. Much rubbish of course consists of packaging – bottles, tins, milk cartons and so on. These have to be sorted separately by the householder. The buzzword is triage. I first heard of triage … Read more

Rental Rules In Australia

When we arrived in Perth in 2007, we were lucky to be able to enjoy 3 months of rent free furnished accommodation, in a two bed-roomed apartment with views of the city, paid for by my husband’s sponsoring company.When our friends dropped us at the apartment the night we landed , they noted that the … Read more

Slow Living As An Expat

I know that title seems an obvious statement to some people who have preconceived ideas about the relaxed ‘G&T on a veranda’ lifestyle of expats. But as most of us know, it’s not exactly like that. For me, the expat life is a bit more frantic than it might have been at home. I have … Read more

Going Clubbing

Like most of us in the expat world I have joined, for a variety of reasons, many a club over the years – usually when the summer holidays come to a sad end, life gets back on a normal schedule and the kids are no longer underfoot. Women’s clubs, expat clubs, professional clubs, book clubs … Read more

10 Iconic Things To Do & See In Nice

1. Museums Follow in the footsteps of Chagall, Matisse, Renoir, and Picasso, among many other artists, with a visit to the numerous historical and fine arts museums. Discover how the light of the French Riviera inspired and captivated artists, beautifully reflected in their works of art. For added value, the new “Côte d’Azur Card” is … Read more