The Special Relationship

At some point during World War 2, the United Kingdom and the United States of America put aside their previous military differences and announced that theirs was a “special relationship”. In truth it’s been a rather tortuous rivalry ever since they first chucked our tea overboard, but what the heck; let bygones be bygones. Only … Read more

There Is No Man In The Moon In South Africa

2014 saw its final supermoon of the year. A “supermoon” of course, is when a full moon, or new moon, happens at the same time the moon is closest to earth during its orbit, appearing so large it can seem as though it sits on the horizon. It’s simply mesmerizing when you have a clear … Read more

Studying Abroad: How To Apply To Universities In The UK

Having studied in England myself and wholly enjoyed the experience, I would like to share how one applies to the universities and colleges in GB as a foreigner with you. Many people are daunted by doing their whole degree abroad purely by the fact that the application procedures are different from home, and stick to … Read more

It’s All About The People

You can go to the best party in the world, with your favourite music, the most succulent food in the most amazing venue, and still have a terrible time – if you are alone, for instance, or you have a fight with the person you are with. This is because the quality of our experience … Read more

Are We Slaves Or The Master To Our Digital Devices?

I recently read an article by Matthew Lieberman in Psychology Today headed: “Is Facebook ruining our brains?”. The interesting question for all of us as stated in the article is, “Will more digital screen time change the minds, brains, and behaviors of the next generation?” From my experience of working with the new generation, the … Read more

Expat Living – What Is Our Impact?

When we decide to finally take the decision to live in another country, we are naturally nervous. Will we be accepted? How do we fit in? What problems and pitfalls do we need to look out for? In my experience as a full-time Expat, the majority of us don’t take time to consider the consequences … Read more

Could You Ever Return Home For Good?

Do you ever wonder whether you would be better off back in your home country? I guess it’s only natural that we do. In previous blogs I’ve talked about how I often compare my life here to my home country. I’ve just returned from a month in England and had a great time catching up … Read more