Hello Old Friend!

Those of us who live in the expat world know the joys – and the struggles – of making new friends regularly. We also know the pain of saying good-bye, not knowing whether we will ever meet again. If you’ve been on the expat circuit long enough you know it’s a bit of a crapshoot … Read more

Expat Partner Careers

Having a paid job is not an economic necessity for some partners of expatriate employees: the salary and benefits earned by the working partner make dual incomes unnecessary. Not having to work is, in a sense, a luxury, right? Yes it is, except if you want to work. In this case, the international lifestyle can … Read more

Now You Have Applied: What Is Studying In The UK Like?

After having detailed how to apply to the British university system in my last column, now to the interesting stuff: What is it like to do your degree in the UK? First of all: congratulations and well done that you have come this far! Your place is secured, your bags are packed and you are … Read more

Accepting The Accent

Despite my best efforts to be open-minded, uncharitable thoughts still abseil into my head with the stealth and speed of a crack SAS infiltration. You know the kind: the incredulous “You wanted that unsightly plug to stretch your ear like a perished Y-front waistband?” or the terse, “bugger off!” behind a fixed smile when the … Read more

A Taste of Home

Here in rural Burgundy you know where your food comes from. You see your vegetables and fruit growing, often in your own garden. In the field behind our house white Charolais cows suckle their calves or enjoy the attentions of a self-satisfied-looking bull. Local shops and market stalls offer tempting pâtés, terrines and other charcuterie, … Read more

Like Waking From A Deep, Deep Sleep

I saw an article yesterday reminding everyone that London’s iconic “Gherkin” building is ten years old. I’m not familiar with it at all. Oh, I know what it looks like, where it is and that its real name is its street address, 30, St. Mary Axe, but it’s not part of my London. I left … Read more

Settling In At “Home”

Those of you who’ve been following my column for a while know that, after 2-½ years in Panama, my husband and I have returned to the US. It was a combination of family concerns and a job opportunity that brought us back. Settling in, though, has been much harder than we expected. Harder even than … Read more