A Band Aid For Ebola

It’s a sad rendition of a song I never liked. I listened to it on YouTube when all the hoo-hah about the rehash of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ started up. Let’s just say that I’m glad I don’t live somewhere where I’d hear it endlessly on the radio. But the song isn’t meant to … Read more

You Can’t Beat Christmas With Your Own Kind

Boy am I glad to be heading back to London for Christmas. Last year I spent Christmas in Seville, not really through choice, but we’d just had a baby and decided it would be better not to fly back, mainly because of Mr Jack Frost, but also because the only airline with free flights was … Read more

Celebrating The Holidays At Home …Or At Home

As I sit here in Northern Europe on the fourth Thursday in November, I’m scrolling through the many social media postings that have been littering my feed over the last 24 hours or so, drawing my attention to Thanksgiving. There are the nice ‘I give thanks for my kids/partner/dog/life’ postings, and then there are the … Read more

Christmas In The Morvan

It’s official: Christmas is coming to the Morvan. The Morvan? Think of the Yorkshire Dales, but with better roads and less hype. Nobody comes here for motorways, theatres, discos, shopping malls or even ubiquitous broad band. We are online thanks to a gizmo on our balcony which provides a microwave link to a base station … Read more

Global Citizenry – Ruined By Red Tape

You’d think with so many people moving around the world, holding citizenship in more than one country and generally being planetary, the countries of origin would come to terms with it all and well, not put so many obstacles in the way. I understand the need to (try to) regulate who comes in, especially if … Read more

Five “Must-Do’s” In Vienna, Austria

I come from Vienna, so, after living there for 18 years, I would like to share with you my five must-do’s in this lovely city, without which you should not leave, local, expat and tourist alike. Schönbrunn Zoo The oldest zoo in Europe, open since the late 18th century, it fell into disrepute for lack … Read more