Breastfeeding And The Expat

Recently, here in the UK, there’s been all sorts of controversy around breastfeeding – and in particular, breastfeeding in public. It seems strange that this is a country so obsessed with women’s mammaries that many of its best-read newspapers stick them on their third page (and I’m sure they would put them on their front … Read more

My Expat Cravings

Fittingly, being 8 months pregnant and a full-blood Expat, my cravings are a mix of all the places I have lived and been influenced by. Starting off with where I was born: Austria. We have made our first batch of Topfenknödel during this pregnancy, a lovely dessert or even main course of curd cheese dumplings … Read more

More Than Words

Same language, different meanings Before moving to Canada the only consideration I gave to language was with regard to accent; I remembered hearing somewhere that Canadians had a softer accent than their neighbours across the border and I was relieved; easing in gently sounded like a good plan. I was coming from England so it … Read more

February Frolics?

Visitors to the Morvan in winter are mystified by displays of crêpe pans, electric crêpe makers and free crêpe recipes appearing in the supermarkets in January. A little early for Pancake Tuesday, surely? Well, yes. But February 2 is La Chandeleur, Candlemas, and pancakes are obligatory. I can never resist an excuse for a spot … Read more

South Africa Diaries: Part 7 – Tina Turner!

Sea of change The thought of leaving England for Durban in February, for the third time, to soak in the balmy Indian Ocean was pleasing enough. Equally exciting was the thought that I could be involved in some of the many changes that would envelope South Africa post-apartheid. For many years South Africans had been … Read more

What’s Your Travelling Strategy?

I recently read “Maeve’s Times – In her own words”, selected writings from the late Maeve Binchy’s pieces in the Irish Times. Whether you’re a fan of her novels or not, I recommend this book as it shows what great a journalist she was, writing eloquently on everything from her days as a teacher to … Read more

Dancing In A Pollera In Panama

When we were deciding to move overseas, and then choosing the place to move to, my husband and I were intrigued by Las Tablas’ reputation as the folkloric center of Panama. Of course, it’s well known that Las Tablas is the place to attend Carnaval, with the town’s population swelling from 10,000 to over 100,000 … Read more

A Long Hill To Climb

“We’re moving again,” I told my dentist this morning, as he stood over me wielding one of those funny little sticks with mirrors on the end they seem so keen on. “South Africa, in the summer”. He grinned at me as he moved the stick closer towards me now gaping mouth. “Lovely,” he said. “Bet … Read more