What’s Your National Identity?

I’m reading a rather interesting book at the moment about Brits in America. Called “Accent on Privilege; English Identities and Anglophilia in the U.S.” by Katherine W. Jones, it talks about the privileges white (usually) Brits experience in the USA, often on account of the Anglophilia here. Throughout the book the author interviews a handful … Read more

The Rustle of Spring in the Morvan

The wonderful solo piano piece The Rustle of Spring by Norwegian composer Christian Sinding says it all.See and hear a real virtuoso perform it here. Here spring started rustling early this year. We have had an unseasonably mild winter, with daffodils in bloom since early February. Easter is early this year too, so there will … Read more

12 Best Places To Retire In 2016

The secret to taking control of your retirement in 2016 and making this phase of life a grand adventure, even if your retirement nest egg is modest, is expanding your horizons. Take your retirement global and you can maximize your quality-of-life return for every dollar spent. Where should you go? Here are your twelve best … Read more

Making Friends With The Locals (Or Not)

I was in the gym the other day, trying out a new class. The name of the class was “Shape” but to be honest I had no idea what I was getting myself into. One of my new year’s resolutions was to try out some new exercise routines and find one or two that I … Read more

Hearts and Pancakes in the Morvan

As I type we are gearing up for La Chandeleur. Expat Focus faithfuls may remember my February 2015 piece, February Frolics? and recall that February 2 is La Chandeleur, Candlemas, when pancakes are obligatory. This year Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, falls on February 9, just one week after Candlemas. In our household, however, any day … Read more

A Month in the Life of an English Writer in Tuscany

December 2015 in our little bit of Chianti in Tuscany, proved to be a most unusual month and we are not just talking about the weather. The temperature remained above normal and it felt very much like the end of September through to November. Autumn colours were everywhere, not least the small leaved oak trees … Read more

Ozzie, My Little ExPat

I got used to “cute” living in Korea; cute people, cute toys, cute kids and oh my gosh the babies! Way too cute! But even so I never get jaded over something “cute.” For a professional soft case like myself, I was a marked woman. First, it came in the form of my own choice. … Read more

When You Wish Upon A Rainbow

I think I’ve wanted to live “somewhere else” all my life. I never had that sense of “home” that some people talk about. I never had the connection to land that many feel. Okay, okay, I grew up in E. St. Louis, Illinois—how connected can you be? Anyway, I did attend university away from home … Read more