Why We Need More English Words For “Home”

We all know that Eskimos have many ways of describing snow – I am assuming because snow is such a huge looming part of their lives. But as an expat I have started to wish there were more words in the English language for “home”.Okay, there are of course different words you could use – … Read more

Spring Roars Through The Morvan

In March I spoke of the rustle of Spring. Now it is roaring through the Morvan. In the UK cowslips are a protected species. Here les coucous are common as daisies. When we first came here I transplanted hundreds of cowslips to safe havens under the trees to save them from the mower. The locals … Read more

Understanding Airlines’ Low-Cost Pricing

Panama is, indeed, the Hub of the Americas, and, living in Panama City, you’d think that traveling around Latin America would be easy and cheap. Easy, yes… cheap, not so much. Copa flies to most major cities in Central and South America and continues to expand its destinations in the United States, the Caribbean, and … Read more

Why I’m Writing About Expat Depression

I am running a series on my blog at the moment about expat depression – posting roughly once a week on the subject and working my way through what it looks like, when and why people might experience it, the association between depression and culture shock, and how people have helped themselves get over it. … Read more