Stop Allowing Critics to Choose Your Life Path

The decision to move abroad involves toasts in celebration and tearful goodbyes with loved ones. I recall the day we found about the green light to start our new life in Rome. A whirlwind of planning, prepping, and packing churns with raw emotion. Sharing the decision with friends and family is exciting and tough at … Read more

The Biggest Expat Career Mistakes

Career change is scary, let alone in a foreign country. There are various challenges, setbacks, unexpected surprises and bumps along the way… and you cannot control most of them. But there are some things that are under your direct responsibility, yet I see so many expats around me make the same mistakes over and over … Read more

Having An Un-American Moment

In my last post I discussed how Brits in America often play up their British-ness depending on the circumstances. Most of us have received preferential treatment, or at least a flurry of compliments, purely because we’re British, or British sounding. (“It sounds so much more intelligent when you say it”. “You could read the phone … Read more

My #1 Pick For Luxury, Cosmopolitan Living On The Ocean

Until the 50’s, Puerto Vallarta was a small fishing village along a spectacular bay on the Pacific, modestly popular among Mexicans as a beach resort. Then, in 1963, John Huston filmed “The Night of the Iguana” in Mismaloya, just south of Puerto Vallarta. The film’s star, Richard Burton, was involved with actress Elizabeth Taylor at … Read more

10 Laughable Moments Adjusting to Expat Life

Has anyone ever told you the experiences you stumble over can be your greatest learning opportunities? Or that you will surely look back and laugh about some trials and tribulations that seem tough at the time? Throughout the initial adjustment to expatriate life in Rome, Italy, my family has had our share of flubs, mishaps … Read more

The Backpacker That Stayed – The Accidental Expat

I love hearing people’s stories of how they ended up where they happen to now live. Expat and travel stories are especially interesting, because while they can seem like very random life choices and navigation to an outsider, there always tends to be a clarity and a purpose to how things unfold. So the traditional … Read more

Dandelion Wars And A Stay In The Polyclinique

Yellow is my favourite colour. In spring in the Morvan the forsythia, cowslips and primroses are a feast for the eye. On the road to Nevers (more about that anon) we pass huge fields of oilseed rape. It has many uses: as a vegetable, as animal feed, and as oil for lubricating and cooking. Here … Read more