Expat Children Need A Helping Hand

As this is my first submission as a columnist to Expat Focus, I would like to start by introducing myself. Born in Japan (to a British father and Eurasian mother) I grew up in South East Asia, went to boarding school in the UK at 11; then embarked on the expat circuit as an adult … Read more

Cost Of Living In The Algarve: A Detailed Breakdown

When you think about the world’s cheapest places to live or retire, you probably think first of Latin America or Asia, writing off Europe altogether, figuring no way someone of modest means could ever afford to move to the Old World.For most of Europe, that can be a reasonable perspective. But Portugal, especially the Algarve, … Read more

Wine, Art And Politics In Chianti

Benvenuti and welcome to all my lovely followers, If you are new to this column I should tell you that each month I reflect back on the previous one, which in this case is May 2017. My aim is to bring you lots of fun things, and not too many serious ones.The lovely month of … Read more

Flaming June In The Morvan

I am typing this on May 30, during a heatwave – une canicule as they say here. It ain’t half hot, Mum, and John has taken to wearing shorts, while I hang out the washing at 6 am to take advantage of the blessed coolth and to put out water for the birds and squirrels … Read more

The 4 Best Beaches In Panama

One of Panama‘s greatest assets is its beachfront. This is a little country with two long coasts and several clusters of outlying islands… meaning lots of different beaches — Pacific and Caribbean, touristy and undiscovered, developed and emerging, accessible and remote.Here are my top picks, depending on your agenda, based on almost two decades of … Read more

The Cheapest And Best Places To Buy Property In Europe

Diversifying your portfolio into euro-valued real estate is a better idea right now than it has been in more than a decade. The dollar is close to par with the euro, providing U.S. dollar-holders with more purchasing power than they’ve had in euro-land since 2003.Spain continues to suffer the disastrous effects of its burst housing … Read more

Easter In Beautiful Chianti

Benvenuti and Welcome to all my Lovely Followers, If you are new to this column I should tell you that each month I reflect back on the previous one, which in this case is April 2017. My aim is to bring you lots of fun things, and not too many serious ones.The first week in … Read more

4 Things I’ve Learnt Since Being An Expat Dad

I’m a dad of two lovely Spanish kids. I say lovely because that’s what they are 90% of the time, the other 10% they can be complete devils. I enjoy being a dad, and the longer I am one, the more I love it. I enjoy the responsibility of bringing them up, seeing them laugh … Read more