Who Gives A Fu?

Well, that’s easy: in fact everyone does and especially at this time of year. You’ll notice them all over the place. Of course, I’m talking about the Chinese Fu character, newly purchased prints of which will be meaningfully plastered upon doors, lintels, jambs, walls, household goods and countless seasonal displays. No doubt you’ve realised, Chinese … Read more

A Walk In The Park

The land known as the Parque Natural de la Mata y Torrevieja belongs to the state, and parts of it are rented to vineyard owners. In 1988 it was declared a protected area and a year later declared a National Game Reserve. In 1995 it became a Parque Natural.It is the southernmost nature park in … Read more

Is It Really Cheaper To Live In Mexico?

It’s difficult to do any serious research about moving to Mexico and not read claims about how inexpensive it can be to live there. Enjoy a complete meal of tacos $1.50! Live on the beach for a third of what it would cost in Southern California! However, many of these claims come from sources that, … Read more

Pancakes And Valentines In The Morvan

Around the middle of January our local shops are full of pancake paraphenalia. A little early for Shrove Tuesday, you may think. Well, yes: they are in fact gearing up for La Chandeleur, February 2: the date when the Virgin Mary presented baby Jesus in the Temple. Like many other Christian festivals, La Chandeleur – … Read more

Winter Fashion And Christmas Markets In Tuscany

Benvenuti and Welcome to all my Lovely Followers, If you are new to this column I should tell you that each month I reflect back on the previous one, which in this case is December 2017. My aim is to bring you lots of fun things, and not too many serious onesMy man and I … Read more

An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

‘Would you like to work for us in Hong Kong?’ Well? Would you? Will you? It was a question put to me many years ago. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. You see, I was working in Tokyo back then with my contract due to finish. I didn’t want to … Read more

Christmas In Cadiz

The sweet scent of marijuana mingled with lavender pleasured my nostrils each time I entered or left the resort. The entrance to Playa Ballena spa resort near Cadiz was grand – and once through the revolving door, the foyer sported the traditional sweeping staircase as well as two ultra-modern glass lifts, with a vast dining … Read more

Bonne Année, Bonne Santé!

I wish all my readers Bonne Année, Bonne santé! – a happy New Year, and good health in which to enjoy it. I also wish them better luck with their online researches than I had today. I typed ‘new year celebrations france’ and came across a site which is full of errors in both French … Read more