Visitors From Afar

As an expat, one of the highlights of life is having visitors from overseas. Friends and family from your home country, or, in my case, visits from new friends you have made on line. Someone to remind you of where

Education In The Dominican Republic

The new school year begins this week so I thought I would explain a little about the education system in the Dominican Republic. The vast majority of children go to public school, which is free, although there are private colleges

Moving House In The Dominican Republic

Moving house in the Dominican Republic is not exactly like moving house in the UK. There are no packing cases, no wrapping things in bubble wrap, no newspaper, no labelling of boxes. Everything gets thrown, literally, into the back of

When The Dream Fades

I was chatting to a friend of mine the other day, a fellow Brit, who also lives here in the Dominican Republic, and he was telling me that sometimes the frustrations of living here become too much and he just