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Colombia – Mental Health

Mental health is an important issue in Colombia, with a significant portion of the population affected by various mental health conditions. According to a study conducted by the National Mental Health Survey in Colombia, about 9.5% of the population reported experiencing mental health problems in the previous 12 months. Despite the prevalence of mental health issues in the country, there is still a significant stigma surrounding mental health and seeking help for these issues.

How is mental health viewed in Colombia?

Mental health is still stigmatized in Colombia, with many people viewing mental health conditions as a personal weakness or a lack of faith. This stigma often prevents people from seeking the help they need, leading to a lack of access to resources and support. However, there has been progress made in recent years to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and to promote awareness and understanding of mental health conditions.

The Colombian government has taken steps to address mental health issues in the country, including the implementation of a national mental health policy. The policy aims to improve access to mental health services and to promote mental health awareness and education. The government has also invested in the development of mental health programs and services, including the establishment of mental health clinics and community-based programs.

Counselling or therapy services available for English-speakers or expats in Colombia

There are a number of counselling and therapy services available in Colombia for English-speakers or expats living in the country. Here are some of the major organizations that offer such services:


InterNations is a global network for expats, with a chapter in Colombia that provides resources and support for expats living in the country. The organization offers a range of resources, including a forum for members to connect with each other, and access to local events and activities. InterNations also provides a directory of mental health professionals in Colombia who are able to offer services to English-speaking clients.

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Website: https://www.internations.org/colombia-expats

Global Therapy Network

Global Therapy Network is an online platform that provides access to a network of licensed mental health professionals around the world. The platform allows users to connect with therapists and counsellors in Colombia who are able to provide services in English. Services offered include individual therapy, couples therapy, and group therapy.

Website: https://globaltherapynetwork.com/colombia/


LifeMatters is a mental health clinic based in Bogotá that provides a range of mental health services, including counselling and therapy, to English-speaking clients. The clinic offers services for individuals, couples, and families, and specializes in areas such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. LifeMatters also offers online therapy sessions for those who are unable to attend in-person sessions.

Website: https://www.lifemattersbogota.com/

Other organisations that provide mental health services in Colombia

In addition to the organizations mentioned above, there are several other organizations in Colombia that provide mental health services to those in need. Here are a few examples:

Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá

Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá is a non-profit organization that provides a range of healthcare services, including mental health services, to people in need. The organization offers a range of mental health services, including counselling, therapy, and support groups, to individuals and families. The organization also offers services in English for non-Spanish speaking clients.

Website: https://www.fsfb.org.co/

ABA Colombia

ABA Colombia is an organization that provides support and services to children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and their families. In addition to providing support for autism, the organization also provides mental health services, including counselling and therapy, to individuals and families in need.


La Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia

La Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia is a healthcare organization that provides a range of medical and healthcare services, including mental health services. The organization offers a range of mental health services, including counselling and therapy, to individuals and families. They also provide services in English for non-Spanish speaking clients.

Website: https://www.fcv.org/

Psicología Colombia

Psicología Colombia is an online platform that provides access to a network of licensed mental health professionals in Colombia. The platform allows users to connect with therapists and counsellors who are able to provide services in English or Spanish. Services offered include individual therapy, couples therapy, and group therapy.

Website: https://www.psicologiacolombia.com/

Mental health is an important issue in Colombia, with many people affected by various mental health conditions. While there is still a significant stigma surrounding mental health in the country, progress has been made to reduce the stigma and promote awareness and understanding of mental health issues. There are a number of organizations in Colombia that provide mental health services to English-speaking clients, including InterNations, Global Therapy Network, and LifeMatters. In addition, there are several other organizations in the country that provide mental health services to those in need. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues in Colombia, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.