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Maternity Care In Canada: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan

Support for women during active labour and birth significantly increases a family’s satisfaction with the birth experience as a whole. It also helps enhance the positive attitude women will need to care for their newborn babies. It is essential that women have…

How To Register With The Health System In Canada

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you can apply for public health insurance, for subsidised low-cost healthcare. The public healthcare system in Canada is funded through taxes, although some provinces charge a monthly premium. The monthly premium is waived…

How To Look After Your Mental Health In Canada

It’s incredibly important to take care of yourself and get the most out of life. In recent years, there has been a growing understanding and focus on self-care and mental health. There are many things that can cause damage to your mental…

How Does Cancer Care In Canada Compare With The USA?

The cost of advanced chemotherapy can be twice as much in Washington as it is in British Columbia, which is just next door. Scientists at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in conjunction with colleagues from Vancouver and British Columbia, discovered just…

Complementary Therapies In Canada And How To Access Them

Complementary therapies offer an alternative approach to conventional or mainstream medicine. Such therapies aren’t usually part of conventional medical care, but have plenty of purported benefits. However, their benefits are not always backed by science, and should complement conventional therapy, rather than…


Judit Pinter, Toronto

Who are you? My name is Judit. I am 32 years old and from Europe. At the moment I am…

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