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Shopping For The First Time In Brazil? Here’s What You Need To Know

While Brazil may not be among the most popular shopping destinations in the world, the number and variety of shopping spots available in the country will come as a pleasant surprise to expats and tourists. Some of the top boutiques are located…

Learning To Communicate With The Locals In Brazil – Some Tips For Expats

Learning a new language and getting acquainted with an unfamiliar culture is often difficult for expats and it’s always great when the locals are helpful and accommodating. Brazil is one such place where the population is lively, warm and friendly towards foreigners.…

Why Moving To Brazil Will (Probably) Make You Happier

Recent events in the world of sport have caused people of all nationalities to explore Brazil more closely. Thousands of foreigners who visited the country are thinking about staying back for a longer period of time. Of course, there is a lot…

A Few Tips For Expats Driving In Brazil

Brazil is a geographically vast and varied country and driving here can be an intimidating experience for newcomers. But more than the sheer size and wavering landscape of the region, it is the roads and the driving style of Brazilian drivers that…

5 Things You Should Do When Living In Brazil (And 1 You Definitely Shouldn’t)

Brazil draws a considerable number of foreigners each year and many of them go on to make the country their home. The many employment opportunities in the big cities, the cultural diversity and friendly nature of the Brazilians make living here a…

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