Dental And Opthalmic Care In Belgium: How To Find The Right Options For You
If you are registered with the Belgian health insurance provider, which is run by a series of state-regulated private funds, then this will cover some of your dental fees. However, it is compulsory (as a preventative measure) to have an annual check…
How Does Cancer Care In Belgium Compare With The UK?
Both Belgium and the UK have a high standard of healthcare and oncological treatment is generally considered to be good in both countries, although there have been contentions that cancer care in the UK lags behind that of other European nations. Macmillan…
How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Belgium?
The cost of medical procedures in Belgium will depend on one of four factors: whether you, as an expat resident: • are signed up with the national insurance scheme • have private health insurance • have a combination of national and top-up…
How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Belgium
Belgium is an easy country to keep fit and healthy in if you’re an expat – though perhaps its national culinary reputation of frites, chocolate and beer might need a little revision if you’re to maintain your waistline!The country has many beautiful…
How To Register With The Health System In Belgium
Belgium’s healthcare system is based on a two-tier insurance model, consisting of both national and private health insurance. As an expat, you’ll be able to sign up for the national system as long as you are paying contributions into it, which are…
Sam Jenkinson, Leuven
Who are you? I am Sam Jenkinson. I am a PhD student, studying demography at the university of Leuven, Belgium.…