What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Australia?
Australian healthcare is generally of a high standard, though the quality can vary, as you may expect from a country of its size. The healthcare system itself is comprehensive, and covers everything from preventative to specialist care. However, it may appear confusing…
How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Australia
Private health insurance is a popular acquisition in Australia, as individuals and families seek to supplement their Medicare provision. However, health insurance can be costly, and it is wise to do your research before committing to a policy. It is worth noting…
Prescriptions In Australia: What Is Available And How To Ensure You Get The Right Level Of Care
In Australia, you can get medicines from pharmacies, which can also provide free health advice and information on medications and minor ailments. Some medicines require a prescription, and these may be different from those requiring a prescription in your home country. For…
How To Register With The Health System In Australia
Australia has one of the most highly developed healthcare systems in the world, the overall standard of which is excellent. The government funds part of the public system, called Medicare, which covers most medical treatment at public hospitals. Australian taxpayers also contribute…
Maternity Care In Australia: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
In Australia, you must register your pregnancy with a GP or midwife as soon as possible after you have received a positive test result. Once you have registered, antenatal (or before birth) care will begin. Antenatal appointments are a vital part of…
Linda Alley, Melbourne
Who are you? Hi, I’m Linda Alley, a teacher and writer from New Zealand. These days I live with my…