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The Best Career Options For Digital Nomads

A digital nomad is a person who travels whilst working remotely, otherwise known as ‘location independent’. The money they earn from their online work perpetuates their ability to travel from place to place, particularly in countries where the exchange works in their favour, depending on the currency they earn in.If this sounds interesting, you might wonder what kinds of jobs you can do to make this work. We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best career options for digital nomads to give you an insight into what exactly most successful remote workers do to generate an income. These jobs are mostly done on a freelance basis, but that is not to say you cannot have a contracted role with a company that allows you to work part time or even full time remotely.

Web Or App Development

Tech jobs are at the forefront of remote work, which makes perfect sense seeing as these jobs are almost always computer based roles. Another reason this area is an excellent option for digital nomads is that there are rarely any specific time constraints – you don’t usually need to be working office hours to write code. This niche area is definitely worth looking into if you have the knowledge and qualifications.

Blogging And Affiliate Marketing

If you manage to create a successful blog with popular content, this could generate revenue a number of ways, from affiliate marketing to paid advertisements and sponsored posts. This is somewhat easier said than done as this is a very competitive area, but the top bloggers are able to earn a profitable income. On the plus side, there is little to no start-up costs for this route, and it allows total location independence.

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Blogging is easy to set up but difficult to monetize – but if you can, it's worth it!

Copywriting And Content Writing

Due to the amount of websites out there and the relatively short ‘life’ of articles on the internet these days, there is a huge need for blogs, websites, companies and everything in between to constantly churn out new content. This is where content writing, in which you supply a steady amount of blog posts and articles for websites, comes in. Copywriting is slightly different as it you will have to write pieces in the specific style of the brand paying you, but is also very suited to the digital nomad lifestyle.

Online Marketing

Given the importance of marketing and content for brands, it’s a no brainer that there is a high demand for online marketers worth their salt – particularly if they specialise in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) or social media marketing. Those with a proven track record or a marketing qualification under their belt can potentially earn very good money from top brands. Working in such a role, all you need is a solid internet connection and the world’s your oyster!

Online Teacher

Probably one of the most popular options for people looking to launch a digital nomad career is online teaching. Many websites will accept native English speakers to teach English to young children; if you have a relevant degree in a subject then you can teach any number of subjects such as maths and science, and earn a decent wage from doing this. Requirements vary depending on the website, with some stipulating that teachers must have a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), while others have with minimal requirements.

Consider teaching people via video chat


This role involves starting an online business. The majority of digital nomads running an ecommerce business sell a product but do not keep a physical inventory, utilising services such as Dropshipping or Amazon to handle their stock, thus making it possible for them to generate profit from the product they sell while also travelling. Running an ecommerce business usually means little to no dealings with clients, and with some of the services available, this work needs minimal organisation or management.

Virtual Assistant (VA)

A VA is an administrator or personal assistant who works virtually. So think data entry, calendar organisation and appointment bookings, or managing a client’s social media accounts and dealing with their email inboxes. Roles vary in description and working hours, some may require office hours on a particular time zone, but mostly these roles can be incredibly flexible. If you have PA or administration experience and are a highly motivated, efficient person with great organisation skills, this kind of job could be for you.

Graphic Designer

One of the more niche digital nomad career options for creatives, graphic design has a few different areas to explore from website design to commissioned artwork for things like album and book covers. If you have the knowledge and the talent to go down the freelance design route, you will find plenty of opportunities that fit perfectly with a location independent lifestyle. However, you would likely need all the necessary software on your computer (Photoshop, Adobe, Lightroom and so on), which can be quite expensive.

Graphic design is a niche skill in high demand


If you are bilingual or speak more than one language to a high level, then you could earn money for translation services. This usually entails translating documents, articles, instructions and other documents; although it could also include transcribing or translating during video call conferences. Whilst it’s not as common as some of the other digital nomad careers, this is still a viable option which is in high demand.


Whilst this is certainly one of the less common digital nomad careers, given that it can be more difficult to generate a steady income from photography alone, this does not mean it is totally unfeasible. There are a few options depending on your equipment and experience, such as travel photography, food photography, photography for business websites and so on, plus you will have the opportunity to sell prints and photos as stock images on the side.

We hope this article has given you an insight into the best digital nomad careers and inspired you with ideas on how you can make a remote lifestyle a reality.

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