How To Tackle Driving Abroad

If you are planning to travel abroad, whether for the purposes of life, work or simply tourism, you may be wondering how easy it will be to travel by car in your chosen destination. Is it better to buy a

How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Panama

Panama has a two-tier health insurance system, divided between national insurance and the private sector. The public sector is funded by the Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) and the Social Security Fund (Caja de Seguro Social/CSS), using contributions from employers and

Expat Focus International Healthcare Update August 2020

The Covid pandemic obviously continues to dominate the healthcare news, although its reign in the UK seems to be slowing down significantly in August. However, the international travel scene was plunged into further Covid-related turmoil this month with quarantines imposed

Expat Focus Financial Update August 2020

The property market in Dubai is reporting the high probability of a ‘difficult’ two years following the shake up from the Covid pandemic. Travel restrictions and other knock-on effects of Covid have resulted in a significant sag in the real

Expat Focus Brexit News Update August 2020

The astute observer will have noticed that, now we are well into the summer, Brexit is once more creeping up to rival Covid in the headlines, at least in the UK. Downing Street announced, at the time of writing, that

How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Latvia

If you are living and working in Latvia, you will need to consider your healthcare options. For example, what are the associated costs when it comes to health insurance?If you are making contributions into the Latvian national healthcare scheme, you