Expatriate Healthcare Insurance

by Medibroker International Since the explosive growth of the past decade in global telecommunications and the Internet, more expatriates are working on contract overseas, than ever before. More families and couples are retiring abroad at an earlier age, being very

Why invest in property?

Why real estate or why property, some people ask when looking for an investment. Well, as far as I am concerned, real estate/property investment is, and always has been, the most powerful type of investment for building wealth. It has

An Expat Guide To The Euro Zone

There are vast books written on this subject, many by renowned academics and economists. It has been said, with some justification, that one needs a PhD to understand many of them. Don’t worry! This short article isn’t going to start

Overseas Taxation For Expats

The old saying about “death and taxes” is much overused, but it’s also pretty true. Wherever you are in the world and whatever the political makeup of the local government, you can be sure that if they agree with the

Overseas Medical Insurance

One of the primary considerations when thinking of international or overseas retirement is healthcare and medical insurance cover. Many USA citizens already are very familiar with medical and health insurance at home but have little knowledge of how such plans

The Trailing Spouse Learns Banking

Submitted by an Expat Focus reader Early on in our relationship, I decided to impress my would-be husband. I enrolled in a course on financial issues – learning all about bull markets, bear markets and share prices. I spent 12