Expat Focus International News Update November 2022

Indonesia introduces ‘second home’ visa Expats in Indonesia have been cautiously enthusiastic about the new ‘second home’ visa, which will allow you to remain in the country for 10 years. However, according to the Jakarta Post, they do have some

Best Healthcare Systems For Expats

Earlier this month, the Daily Express revealed the results of a survey, which suggests that Italy provides the best healthcare for expats. Next is Germany, which also has a national healthcare system, in addition to wide range of private providers.

Expat Focus Financial update November 2022

Hong Kong announces new measures to attract business Hong Kong has announced a US$3.8 billion package to attract businesses back to the city, the Financial Times reported in October. Visa and tax concessions will be made available for skilled expat

Expat Focus International News Update October 2022

HireAHelper survey reveals top countries for US expats Blogsite HireAHelper have recently undertaken a new survey, based on research into residence permit and visa data, to track the most popular choices of country among US expats. Top of the list

Expat Focus Financial Update October 2022

Pound plummets: the view from Cyprus As many readers will be painfully aware, the pound plummeted at the end of September, the markets having been thoroughly spooked by incoming PM Liz Truss and her new Chancellor’s mini-budget, with its proposed

The Rise Of The Digital Nomad

The Spanish government stated in the autumn of 2022 that it intends to introduce a new year-long visa aimed at third party nationals who are working as digital nomads. They say that this is also likely to apply to close

Expat Focus Wellbeing Update October 2022

Moving to another country can be a daunting task. It can mean dealing with a new workplace and new colleagues, perhaps while also wrestling with an unfamiliar language and different customs. Meanwhile, you may need to adjust family life to