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10 Things to Remember When Moving Abroad

Courtesy of Bishop’s Move

If you are planning to move abroad this year, there are many things to remember before embarking on your adventure. Apart from choosing the right international removal company, much preparation and organization is required before you leave. Use this checklist of things you need to remember when moving abroad to make sure that everything is covered before getting on your plane.

1. First of all, make sure to arrange your transport. Whether you are travelling by train, plane or car, ensure that you have booked your trip well in advance.

2. Check if your passports are still valid and that there is still a proper amount of time left before they expire. You might need to return home for an unexpected reason. Also remember to apply for the appropriate visas that you need to enter the country you are moving to.3. Depending on your new country of residence, you may need to look further into the vaccine requirements.

4. If you wish to take your pets with you, then ensure to arrange all the necessary injections, vaccines and administration well in time. If you won’t be able to bring your pets with you, start looking for a new home plenty of time before your move so that your children can say a proper goodbye.

5. Adequate health insurance is essential. Look into international health policies before moving. Different countries have different policies so it is important to do some research so you know what to expect and which cover will be most valuable for you.

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6. Get references and be cautious when looking for a new property. Don’t rush into anything, even if you are on a tight timescale, but make sure that you take enough time to thoroughly research your new place and carefully balance the pros and cons.

7. Leave enough time to clear out your house. Moving house is an excellent opportunity to throw away things you haven’t used in ages but never got round to get rid of them. Focus on one room at a time and use separate boxes for the items you consider valuable and a rubbish bag for those possessions you would prefer to be thrown away. Anything you’ll need immediately is also worth separating so that you can keep these things close to you during your travel.

8. Decide what happens with the possessions you won’t be taking with you. Would any of your family or friend be interested? Or would you rather sell them? Or maybe donate them to charity?

9. Moving abroad can be the perfect opportunity to explore new cultures. Learn the language and conduct some research into the cultural habits and customs. Spend some time learning about the country will ensure that adjustments will become a lot easier.

10. Find the right removal company to ship your possessions. Moving abroad can be very stressful, so it is crucial to research and compare removal companies before making your decision.
Moving abroad is a very big deal for anyone and requires much planning and preparation. Make lists of things you need to think about before you leave and thoroughly browse the internet for more information on International Removals and moving abroad.