Home » Gibraltar » Anna


My name is Anna, I am 30 years old and a Director of Indigo Resources Ltd, a relocation and concierge company specialising in Gibraltar.

I moved to Gibraltar with my (now) husband in January 2006. We both had jobs in the internet gaming sector where my husband still works. We had always talked about living abroad so when the opportunity arose we jumped at the chance.

What challenges did you face during the move?

Moving was made more simple as we had contacts in Gibraltar to advise us and we didn’t have too many possessions. The rental market was a challenge as good accommodation is snapped up quickly in Gibraltar so we had to move quickly.Gibraltar is a lovely place to live but like anywhere new there were challenges meeting people initially and we had fun and games finding out how to connect our utilities, get a car and make sure we had a local residency card. One of the reasons we set up Indigo – www.indigo.gi

How did you find somewhere to live?

We found somewhere through an estate agency. It wasn’t our favourite place and was a bit old fashioned but we moved to Gibraltar before the new Marina was built when there was less choice.

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Are there many other expats in your area?

There are a lot of other expats in Gibraltar and the surrounding area. At the weekends a lot of people cross the border to Spain so Gibraltar is livelier during the working week.

What is your relationship like with the locals?

We have some great friends from Gibraltar and work with a lot of Gibraltarians all of whom are a pleasure to work with. It is easier to meet local people when you work in Gibraltar.

What do you like about life where you are?

The quality of life here is amazing and the surrounding area of Spain is lovely providing lots of opportunity to see new places and enjoy the pace of life. We are especially enamoured with Tarifa and the Costa de la Luz, which is pretty rugged and rural providing a contrast to the livelier Costa del Sol.

What do you dislike about your expat life?

I miss my mum and old friends being on my doorstep, but we have some great friends out here and many people seem to settle here so we now have some ‘old’ friends here too.

What advice would you give to anyone following in your footsteps?

Ask for help and make the most of a relocation company that can help you move, source local property, manage local administration, give advice about places to go/things to do, introduce you to the local schools and help make your life easier by finding a cleaner, etc. Removing that hassle is one of the reasons we set up Indigo Resources.

What are your plans for the future?

We now have a little boy who was born in Gibraltar at St Bernard’s Hospital so he keeps us busy. I am continuing to grow Indigo, with my wonderful friends/colleagues and hope to help others enjoy their lives in Gibraltar as much as I do.

Website: www.indigo.gi Email: anna@indigo.gi