Home ยป Culture Shock, Chilean Linguistics And Catatumbo Lightning

Culture Shock, Chilean Linguistics And Catatumbo Lightning

This post is coming to you from London, where we have probably the final couple of sunny days before autumn properly gets into full swing. This week was the equinox, which means we’re technically in autumn already: season of woolly jumpers, mugs of hot chocolate and switching to the winter duvet.

What's your favourite thing about autumn?

Luckily for us at ExpatFocus, we can live vicariously in permanently sunny places through our articles. Jealous yet? But wait! You can too!One of my personal favourites this week was an article about the indigenous cultures of Chile. Did you know that the Kaweskar language has a whole other tense for mythological events that are said to have happened in the past?

We are lucky to live in such a varied world, and as expats and world travellers we have an unbridled appreciation for the beauty of diversity. Even so, we still have culture shock when moving to a new place – take a look at this article about dealing with culture shock in the Philippines.

Venezuela isn’t a country I’ve personally given much thought to visiting – or I hadn’t, until I read this article about retiring to Venezuela and learned about catatumbo lightning.

This week we only have one expat experience, from Luke Regler, a British expat who now lives in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Our most popular tweet this week was this one about immigration laws in the Philippines:


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