How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Poland?
Poland is a popular destination for medical tourists, and expats living there find that they can access high-quality treatment at much lower costs than in the UK and the USA. The Polish government has a strict regulatory regime for medical professions, which…
Maternity Care In Poland: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
Poland’s National Health Fund (NFZ) is the country’s public healthcare provider, and it covers about 93% of Poland’s residents and citizens. It covers most of the costs associated with giving birth in a hospital, from pain relief to several days’ recovery time,…
What Options Are Available For Chronically Ill Expats in Poland
Poland has a national healthcare system, which everyone living and working in the country is obliged to pay into, and which is free at point of access. Retired expats can pay into the scheme voluntarily.Although the Polish government is presently engaged in…
How To Register With The Health System In Poland
If you are living and working in Poland, you will have a number of options when it comes to healthcare. Firstly, there’s cover under the national health insurance scheme. Secondly, you can opt to pay for treatment out of pocket. And thirdly,…
How Does Cancer Care In Poland Compare With The UK?
Both Poland and the UK have nationalised healthcare systems that provide free healthcare for residents and citizens at the point of use. Though the UK’s oncological treatment has been flagged in the Telegraph as being worse than that of the average European…
David And Joan Piekarczyk, Poznan, Poland
Who are you? David and Joan Piekarczyk. Where, when and why did you move abroad? We moved to Poznan in…